Tag: books

  • “State of my Year”

    In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “State of Your Year.” How is this year shaping up so far? Write a post about your biggest challenges and achievements thus far. As the aspiring writer, 2015 for me is traveling along word by word, sentence by sentence in the right direction.…

  • “Oasis”

    In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Oasis.” A sanctuary is a place you can escape to, to catch your breath and remember who you are. Write about the place you go to when everything is a bit too much. During the summer after working fourteen hour days, for…

  • Writing excitement!

    Just over a year ago, I began reading books to pass the time as I sat on the beach, while occasionally looking out into the Gulf of Mexico in Southwest Florida. I found a sense of contentment in the books of adventure, science fiction, mystery and romance. I was profoundly grateful…