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Ready, Set, Done!


In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Ready, Set, Done!.”

Now I have been a little absent for the past several days as I push forward in my attempt to complete the National Novel Writing Month event that I’m participating in. I have not yet finished, however, in the excitement of the retirement lifestyle, I’m truly enjoying this adventure. I’m continuing to learn as I progress through learning about character building and the development of each characters background.

I’m truly loving the developmental stage of writing, although I think I spend too much time on the development of the characters for this type of event I’m participating in, I will continue to learn and develop my own style.

I have a great group of locals who are incredibly helpful in my progress, that have become invaluable in my discoveries of writing short stories, poetry, and the creative writing process.

So since the first of November I have been “Ready, Set, Not Done”

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