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Recently Acquired


In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Recently Acquired.”

What’s the most important (or interesting, or unexpected) thing about blogging you know today that you didn’t know a month ago?

The most important, interesting and unexpected experience I discovered during the past month and including the past four months since I began this blogging journey is the incredible connections I have developed with bloggers from around the world.

The interesting creative writing topics, of poetry to sooth the mind and soul, the provocative wisdom of men and women of all ages from around the world, keeps me inspired and engaged everyday.

Examples of my favorites are;

The inspirational messages from Bloggers like “The empathy queen”
The lovely Angloswiss with her amusing tales, brings a welcome chuckle to my morning coffee.

and the inspirational wisdom of Eric Tonnison

The phrase from the song “it’s a small world after all” is a perfect analogy to explain my experiences of blogging.

It’s a small world after all!

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