In Due Time

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In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “In Due Time.”

What’s your next, most pressing deadline? Are you excited, stressed, or ambivalent about it? What’s the first thing you’d like to do once you’re done with it?


Deadlines? I don’t have any deadlines.

I have future aspirations and dreams, I desire to fulfill however, I have come to believe that hurrying through to get them done would be similar to my life before retirement.

I’m heading into my fifth year of retirement and I have found and read my day planners and calendars from the latter half of the 1980s and I’m now a true believer in keeping a journal.

Because of the calendars of my past, I recognized the hurried life I lived. I have come to realized and appreciate the vacations I took were so important because they were the only time, I slowed down to enjoy life and my family.

However, slowing in other parts of my life would have made life a lot more enjoyable.

As time, has passed, I have come to appreciate my desire to hurry less, and take everything at a slower pace to enjoy every moment of life.

I still get excited to wake and great everyday with the desire to write my blogs, build and develop the characters of my books and short stories.

So, I will publish a book, and I will follow my heart and soul that desires to continue my nomadic travels of the world, “In Due Time”.

3 responses to “In Due Time”

  1. mamaemme Avatar

    It’s great that retirement for you is an adventure, not an end. That is why you have so much to share, from the present as well as from the past. Time is a great gift….

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Thanks for your reply Mamaemme, and yes, time is a great gift that I have come to cherish as true blessing.

  2. silentlyheardonce Avatar

    It is nice you could make that transition. I became disabled my stress come with trying to keep up with doctor appointments. I don’t need to be but I just do.

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