Writing time again!

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Draft a post with three parts, each unrelated to the other, but create a common thread between them by including the same item — an object, a symbol, a place — in each part.


Well, it has been close to a week and I have read numerous books to enlighten and build my perspective on my ability to write.

It has been quoted that a good writer is also an avid reader, so I have been diligent in my reading. I have read several of the following books Adriana Trigiani’s Big Stone Gap, books 2-4, Eric Metaxas’s Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the Historic Campaign to end slavery, John Grishm’s Gray Mountain, Oprah Winfrey’s, What I know For sure and one I keep close by Victoria Schmidt’s, 45 Master Characters revised edition.

I, know the list varies between many genre’s but I’m a book geek.

Now that it is April, and the Camp: National Novel Writing Month began on the first, I have begun a romance novel based in Southwest Florida. The outline and character points have been set up and I’m writing this post as a reward for completing the main points of the outline. Yeah me!

I’m on a writing schedule so I will finish with Langston Hughes’s iconic. , “A Dream Deferred.”

What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore—
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over—
Like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags
Like a heavy load.

Or does it explode?

Keep reading and writing and follow your dreams.

The Daily Post Prompt

2 responses to “Writing time again!”

  1. "Bethie" Avatar

    Hi! Wow, you’ve been busy! I read Gray Mountain also, and would love to know your thoughts about it. We also have one other thing in common, I’m doing Camp NaNo. I’ve only written 1500 words so far. My book is a series of short stories. I hope I get a good start so that I can finish it at Camp in July or in November. Good luck to you.

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Hey Bethie, so you are participating in Camp NaNoWri? Do you have Cabin camp mate and what is your genre is your novel?

      I’m writing a romance novel and I have traded out of my original cabin to a mature cabin. I will try and locate you on both the Camp & NaNoWriMo Sites

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