“Green Eyed Lady”

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In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Green-Eyed Lady.”

We all get jealous from time to time — what wakes the green-eyed monster for you?


The “Green Eyed Lady” or “Green with Envy” are phrases that defines an emotions, I cannot recall having since I was a child. Although, envy is always followed quickly by jealousy and the two are neither emotions I refuse to consider within my life.

My mothers’s words of wisdom, are “Never desire something someone else has” and if I want it, save my money and buy it myself or be patient and wait for it.

However, I’m considered a frugal financially conservative purchaser of everything and I’m too miserly to part with my money to have something someone else has.

However, I have all I need and want at this time of my life and I seek only good health to live content with my life.

The Daily Post Prompt

2 responses to ““Green Eyed Lady””

  1. ermigal Avatar

    Great topic, and I agree with you wholeheartedly: be grateful for what you have. As we get on in years, health becomes the main thing to be appreciative of, and even with that, we accept what limits there might be and what we still can enjoy. 🙂

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Oh, so true, Ermigal!

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