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“Placebo Effect”


In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Placebo Effect.”

If you could create a painless, inexpensive cure for a single ailment, what would you cure and why?

If you could create a painless, inexpensive cure for a single ailment, what would you cure and why?

The placebo pill I would create will be the cure for procrastination. I know, your first thought becomes, is procrastination an ailment?

Procrastination is one thing everyone experience during their lifetime.

Basically, the pill will cure the procrastination, to wake up in the morning, to get to work, to go the gym, to visit the dentist, to complete house work, and to go to school. I believe the placebo pill will increase productivity worldwide. Yet, I’m aware someone will use various legal and illegal substances to increase the pills effect. Hyperactive people will run amok!

A perfect example of the how successful this pill would be, is revealed in my response to this WordPress daily prompt.

The prompt was initially posted Wednesday, May 20, and I procrastinated, with revising the structure of my posting, editing and re-edited, then I made some coffee, I continued my procrastination with some reading, some other writings and an afternoon nap. If, I had a procrastination pill, I would have completed this after my afternoon nap. But, my new 35-mm camera was delivered and I procrastinated the last four days.

On Thursday, May 21, I noticed the daily prompt titled “linger, ” so I lingered and procrastinated, going back to playing with my new camera, afternoon naps, reading several different books and other writings.

A placebo pill, may cure my procrastination, but lingering could be another pill and these postings would have been accomplished before today, Sunday, May 24.

The Daily Post Prompt

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