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“Fill in the Blank”


In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Fill In the Blank.”

Three people walk into a bar______________.

Three executives board members of the Acme Widget’s Company, walked into a dance bar on Bourbon Street, in New Orleans Louisiana. They were in town attending the companies yearly convention and corporate board meeting, beginning the following morning.

They immediately recognized their president and corporate board chairman, dancing by themselves to the song, “Luck Be a Lady,” by Frank Sinatra. With a smile from ear to ear the president danced to the music with happiness, bringing smiles to all three as they watched.

Once the song finished, the three greeted their boss with hugs and kisses. The president, with a smile said, I sold the company, I’m no longer your president, you are no longer employed and I will see you all in the morning at the opening ceremonies, and walked away.

The three stood stunned, when one asked? Will mom ask me to leave the house? The second stated, she would not put her mother out, and the third said, I guess she was served with the divorce papers, this morning.

The Daily Post Prompt

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