“Blogger With a Cause”

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In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Blogger With a Cause.”

If your day to day responsibilities were taken care of and you could throw yourself completely behind a cause, what would it be?


When my day to day responsibilities are secured, I build upon the creative knowledge of my writing, painting, photography and poetry. These creative arts are my causes, and my passions, I seek to build knowledge to ensure my journey of happiness.

The WordPress daily post prompts are catalysts to start my creative writings, to build upon ideas for short stories, and to provide assistance in the development of my novels. My photography provides a peaceful mental organization to my day, providing the imaginative development for poetry and essays.

My causes are simple, yet passionate and I’m determined to journey forward, continually developing these forms of creative artistry.

The Daily Post Prompt

7 responses to ““Blogger With a Cause””

  1. lifelessons Avatar

    Love this and agree totally.

  2. bookreviews1966 Avatar

    You are so inspiring as a writer, I admire you, thanks for stopping by my blog as I just joined the daily prompt challenge. Jackie ~~~

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Hey thanks Jackie for the compliments. I look forward to seeing your creative blog postings.

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Hey thanks for the comments and the reblog.

  3. ashokbhatia Avatar

    Well said!

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar


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