Photo101 Day Four: Bliss & Captions / I Am a Rock

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Is it easy for you to ask for help when you need it, or do you prefer to rely only on yourself? Why?


Ever since I was a child, teenager, young adult and adult, I have been advised I was hard headed and stubborn as a rock. I have been known to dive into doing what is needed while disregarding written directions and most importantly asking question. From these mishaps, I have discovered a lot of my wisdom and also from listening and watching other older adults with lots more of wisdom, to become successful in my life.

I’ve used the wisdom of my elders to slow down enough to read the direction, ask the question and I’ve learned to appreciate the moments. The following photos are a reflection of such wisdom. Simply reading the camera’s instructional manual, reading photography magazines and books really can provide the knowledge needed.

So basically, developing patience is a life long process, usually expedited by marriage, relationships and children. Learning to ask for assistance is also a life long learning process, yet in the end, “patience is a constant companion of wisdom. ”

The following photos can help the mind slow down to accept a more serene lifestyle, leading to a little bit of blissful wisdom. Click the photo101 link for more photos. Enjoy.

Sunset Island Key West Florida

Sunset Boaters

Photo101 Day Four: Bliss & Captions

The Daily Post Prompt

10 responses to “Photo101 Day Four: Bliss & Captions / I Am a Rock”

  1. theempathyqueen Avatar

    Gorgeous! I love the photos and the quote.

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Hey thanks!

  2. cherylchristine11 Avatar

    Great post and amazing photos 🙂

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Why thank you Cherylchristine11

  3. JoHanna Massey Avatar

    Stunning photos and the colors are so vibrant.

  4. silentlyheardonce Avatar

    Beautiful and definitely peaceful photo’s. Years ago I took this class the teacher gave us an assignment and said we had 2 minutes or something to finish it. The first instruction was read everything first. I jumped in and figure I would finish faster if I read as I went along. There was no way anyone could finish the task on this form in the time allotted. The last task was when you finish reading put your pencil down and fold your hands. That taught me a valuable lesson. I wasted all that time trying to finish these crazy problems.

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      I wonder what the object of the test was? Because it was a waist of. Thats why the beauty of photos and writing provides an opportunity to destress so many of life’s weirdness.

      1. silentlyheardonce Avatar

        It was to show us to read the instructions first as instructed and you will save time in the end.

  5. ggmissm Avatar

    Great photos, especially the sunset/Key West…I promise not to steal it, but it’s a gorgeous thing. If reading the manual helped, it was worth the time! JazzCookie

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Hey JazzCookie, thanks for the compliments.

      I have expanded my site to include photos and it has turned out really well. I have a love of sunsets and sunrises. In the coming weeks, the photos will be displayed here.

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