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“Born to Be With You”


In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Born to Be With You.”

Got a soul-mate and/or a best friend? What is it about that person that you love best? Describe them in great detail — leave no important quality out.

The word “friend” is defined and describes a closeness of shared knowledge, a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard and a person who gives assistance as a patron and supporter.

The word “Friend” is often used as a compound and hyphenated word, such as friendship, and best-friend.

The word “Soul” is defined and describes a person’s deeply felt moral and emotional nature providing a person to feel kindness and sympathy for others, to appreciate beauty and art.

The word “Soul” is also often used as a compound and hyphenated word such as Soulmate, and Soul-full.

My definition of a “Best-friend” and “Soulmate” describes the various people I have lived with and met beginning with my family, childhood friends from high school & college years. As I began my life’s journey, my circle now included my police family, motorcycle family, and now my creative arts family.

With all I have identified, I share a deep emotional feeling, built upon the foundation of a friendship. The most important quality we all share are life experiences, both personal and professional and I maintain a bond of friendship and soulmates to this day.

The Daily Post Prompt

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