“Finite Creatures”

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In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Finite Creatures.”

At what age did you realize you were not immortal? How did you react to that discovery?


I was forty years old and with many years of military and law enforcement training, and I believed there was anything I could not accomplish.

However, after putting to use my training and surviving life threatening and not so life-threatening events. I have to admit, I sometimes felt a little immortal, until an incident at Boy Scout summer camp.

As a scout leader and father, I spent many weekends and week long summers at Boy Scout camp. Little did anyone know, the summer camp was actually a great vacation for me. It was also at summer camp when I dislocated my knee cap.

After minor surgery to reattached the two pieces, I spent three months recovering.

During my recovery, I realized and understood, that no matter how much training and life experience I had amassed, my mortality is fleeting.

The Daily Post Prompt

14 responses to ““Finite Creatures””

  1. Scott Avatar

    Well said. Life is fragile.

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Oh, so true.

  2. silentlyheardonce Avatar

    I just posted on the same subject. No one is safe from pending death.

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      That is oh so true!

  3. teagan geneviene Avatar

    Anything that incapacitates us is sobering, isn’t it? I’m glad you’re doing well. Hugs! 🙂

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Oh so true.

  4. bowmanauthor Avatar

    I realized when I was diagnosed with Lupus 26 years ago I would probably not be around to worry about retirement … and now I’m retired. Thank you modern medical advancements and blessings from the Universe.

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      I have many friend who have overcome illnesses to survive well past the dates give by doctors. No one knows the future and each day is a gift. In the end we all have an expiration day, we just don’t know the date?

      1. bowmanauthor Avatar

        I think it best we don’t know the day, the hour, so we can live each minute to the fullest!

        1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

          Oh so true!

  5. Fimnora Westcaw Avatar

    So, I was meandering around this morning, after posting my Monday Music Medicine Show event, and remembered a photo event which I have tried my hand at, and went to the Blogging101coj2015 to post my blogs, and found, to my utter amazement that I’d become a featured blogger for this week there! And there you were in my response to this very cool happening. This, being the year of clicking buttons, I clicked on your icon, and I found a fellow retiree, and an aspiring writer, like myself!

    I came over and read your most recent post, about “Finite Creatures.” While I’ve been feeling ever so mortal of late, I’m fairly certain that it was the 2nd surgery of my life, an appendectomy at the tender year of twelve, which triggered my sense of, and even fear of my mortality. It didn’t actually stop me from doing some pretty stupid things as I was emerging from childhood to becoming my own person, but I do live with those consequences now, and feel life is quite precarious these days.

    If I knew then what I know today, would I have still done what I did? I’m not really sure. But then I also feel the events of our lives are lessons to be learned, and everything happens for a reason, not to mention at the rate at which it happens, no faster, no slower.

    Thank you for being there today. I’m very happy to make your acquaintance!

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Thank you for the comments and the visit to your site brought a smile to my face. Keep moving forward and the world opens up like the pearl you are.

  6. Shafali Avatar

    Sometimes an injury slows us down…enough to give us time to review our lives and to appreciate everything around us. It gives us an opportunity to change things when there’s still time – so that we could live the life we wanted, and which wasn’t necessarily the life that we were living until then.

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Your words are so correct and are pure words of wisdom. Thank you so much.

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