“Brilliant Disguise”

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In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Brilliant Disguise.”

Tell us about a time when someone had you completely fooled, where the wool was pulled right over your eyes, and you got hoodwinked, but good. Was it a humorous experience or one you’d rather forget? What was the outcome?


Many times in my community I was often recognized by people who would engage me in a conversation. This kind of attention can have its drawbacks, especially when you have two young children who are expecting to get ice cream at the mall.

The one time I tried to avoid a conversation was when a young mother with her small child, walking towards me began waving to get my attention. I did recognize her, as she called me by name.

I walk towards her and said, Hello, and stated: “you have mistaken me for my twin brother.” With that statement, the look upon on her face was priceless.

However, her next question caused me to bite my lip to keep from laughing. In her southern accent, she asked. “You two look so much alike, are you identical or fraternal twins? ”

I can’t recall what my response was, however, my son who was eleven at the time began to speak. He looks up at me and softly asked, what twin brother?

I squeezed his hand to divert his attention before he could finish his question. But his sister age seven at the time, tugged on my other hand to ask. “Dad, I did not know you had a twin, brother.”

My son immediately spoke up saying, yes dad has a twin, you just can’t remember him. My daughter looked perplexed, and I told the young lady that I would tell my brother you said hello.

Then we continued for ice cream with me disguised as my twin brother.

The Daily Post Prompt

40 responses to ““Brilliant Disguise””

  1. guevaragem Avatar

    I love this post! It actually cracked me up. That’s a brilliant idea! Whenever someone asks for me, I’m going to pretend I have an identical twin sister.

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      My kids and I laugh about this all time. Lol!

      1. guevaragem Avatar

        Did the woman buy it?

        1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

          I think she did, because later that year, she confronted me again to tell me she met my twin brother in the mall. Lol!

          1. guevaragem Avatar

            Haha! I’m guessing she wasn’t someone you liked very much.

            1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

              I liked her, I just didn’t have time to talk as she would have wanted.

              1. guevaragem Avatar

                She never found out you were lying, right?

                1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

                  I don’t recall she did. Lol!

  2. snowsomewhere Avatar

    Yikes, that didn’t go quite as planned! 🙂

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      My kids didn’t mind they just wanted ice cream! Lol!

      1. snowsomewhere Avatar

        Focusing on what’s important! 😉

  3. andy1076 Avatar

    lol!!! I would of loved to be the fly on the wall watching all this, priceless! 😂😂

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      I did this lot of times especially when I had somewhere else to go.

      1. andy1076 Avatar

        Clearly it works! 😁

        1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

          Oh yeah. I think my son has used this when he was in the military. Lol!

          1. andy1076 Avatar

            Ah, so it’s something passed down the generations 😄😄

            1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

              Oh, yes!

  4. wscottling Avatar

    That’s funny. Luckily, I have an identical twin, so I can actually use this and get away with it all the time. But I have never heard of anyone using it who didn’t have a twin. Priceless!

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Oh yeah and it works!

  5. Ms'sippiCornLiquor Avatar

    My middle sister and I look alike so people always confuse us. I have a cousin who also looks like me. There has always been some sort of mix up. The only difference is I’m the “sweet” one. So I would never try to pass as one of them. That could lead to all kinds of trouble.

  6. Tina, The Bo Bina Avatar

    Oh, that was priceless! I wish I could’ve been a fly on the wall during that encounter ~ the look on the woman’s face would have made my day! 😀

  7. ruthlakes Avatar

    Brilliant – wish I had a twin sister as mine looks nothing like me! Your kids’ comments were so funny – I wish I’d been there too just to see the penny drop with your son and your daughter’s confused expression 🙂

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      It is something my kids and I laugh about whenever we get together.

  8. c2avilez Avatar

    Hilarious! Great family memories for you all.

  9. ranu802 Avatar

    This is funny,anyway I like this kind of disguise, it’s so innocent. Thank you. Ranu

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Why thank you Ranu

  10. Fimnora Westcaw Avatar

    That was quick thinking! I’m trying to imagine myself getting through that without laughing. Great disguise 🙂

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      My kids and I still laugh about this little ice cream adventure.

  11. dray0308 Avatar

    Reblogged this on Dream Big, Dream Often and commented:
    An Aspiring Writer responds to The Daily Post’s writing challenge!

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Thank yo so much for the reblog. I have re-edited the original to correct some errors.

      1. dray0308 Avatar

        It is my pleasure!!

  12. Janice Wald Avatar

    I know Danny Ray, and I found you on his site. My husband taught me the value of inside jokes. I feel the theme of your story is inside jokes are valuable, they are priceless. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Nice meeting you

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Thank you Janice Wald.

      You have a wonderful site helping so many bloggers.

      1. Janice Wald Avatar

        Thank you so much. If ever you could use some blogging tips, perhaps you’d consider a follow. Nice to have met you.

        1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

          I will keep you in mind and will follow.

          1. Janice Wald Avatar

            Thank you so much. I will look forward to that.

          2. Janice Wald Avatar

            Thank you! Welcome!

  13. JoHanna Massey Avatar

    Oh that is just the best post! And I will so use this as an escape line.

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      why thank you JoHanna!

  14. […] my experiences with my brand of comedy to laugh at life. My three most visited blog postings are; Brilliant Disguise, Morton’s Fork, and Symbol. The first two are creative writings and the third is a photograph […]

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