“Should have, Would have, Could have,”

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In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Shoulda Woulda Coulda.”


Life is filled with daily moments based on should have, would have, and could haves. Mine was because of the heavy rains earlier this morning.

I could not take my daily 2 or 3-mile walk so when a break in the rains came, I decided to ride my bicycle to the grocery store  for a few items and the ride provides some exercise and a little cardio. The distance from front door to the bike rack at my local grocery store is less than .2 miles. So this is truly a quick ride.

I checked the weather radar to see I have at least an hours break in the rain. So I take a quick bike ride for a few essentials for fresh fruit, tea, raw sugar, a couple DVD movies, and some writer’s juice. (aka-spice-rum)

As I finished making my purchases, I walked towards the exit doors, I see the typical summer torrential downpour in progress. I take my time to placing my groceries in my saddle bags and I actually sit for less than five minutes when the rains completely stop.

So I hop on my bicycle and head for home only to run into the tail end of the downpour of rain.

Now, I “should have” waited for the rain to move further. I “would have” stayed dry or I “could have” waited until later in the day when the rains moved out of the area.

All of this second-guessing didn’t prevent me from enjoying a leisurely bike ride in the rain and provided me with the response for the WordPress daily prompt.

15 responses to ““Should have, Would have, Could have,””

  1. MsTranquility Avatar

    Ah, I miss Florida rainstorms <3

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Oh Yeah, it’s the rainy season and I can’t wait until September when the rains has moved on. LOL!

      1. MsTranquility Avatar

        Really? I actually *love* thunderstorms and rain. Here in TX it has been hot and not a drop of rain for almost 3 weeks now….*sigh*….send some my way, please? 😀

        1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

          I actually love the rain. It also, as this time of the year most of the writers find it is easier to write. Lol!

          1. MsTranquility Avatar

            Lol, I love writing in the rain too <3

  2. badfish Avatar

    I should have read that quote before I wrote my last post. This was a very good take on the prompt!! Nicely done.

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Why thank you. I try. LOL!

  3. Leanne Avatar

    Spice-rum must taste good, huh?

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Oh, Yes, it is great with my spiced chia tea.

  4. artseafartsea Avatar

    Thanks for the follow. I like your writing style.

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Why thank you. I love your site.

      1. artseafartsea Avatar

        Thanks. 🙂

  5. puzzleblume Avatar

    I like your post but don’t agree with the phrase of Mr. Walsch, even if I know, it doesn’t mean the ‘yolo’-attitude.
    To my opionion, one should do, what doesn’t need a second thought, think twice, when in doubts and leave it, if desire and decision won’t match even after three days. But I admit: the last point wouldn’t work while motocycling ^^

  6. Roni Avatar

    In the middle of a 4-year drought in California and fires all around me, we would welcome a downpour. I might even go out and dance in it! Aren’t the mosquitoes big as birds in Florida?

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      The mosquitoes are numerous in Florida, however the screen on my lanai keeps the little buggers out. The largest mosquitoes I’ve encountered were in North Dakota. They were large enough to see the FAA license on their sides.

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