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“Style Icon”


In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Style Icon.”

Describe your personal style. However, you’d like to interpret that — your clothing style, your communication style, your hair style, your eating style, anything.

My personal style is iconic.

As a member of the Florida Beach Bum Association, I project a style of active outdoor sportiness, frugal, outgoing, fast talking and at times, I talk too much.

My opinionated style is constructive, pleasant, thoughtful, and yet my impatient fast eating still surprises mine at times.

I consider myself a visionary and a tail-ender of the baby boom generation.

My daily fashionable clothing style, of a “Nike” cap, shorts, t-shirts, sandals, and the occasional underwear free day allows me to enjoy and live relaxed and stress-free.

My unpretentious iconic style projects and exhibits a calm, peaceful and relaxed feeling.

The Daily Post Prompt

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