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“Bedtime Stories”


In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Bedtime Stories.”

What was your favorite book as a child? Did it influence the person you are now?

Dr. Suesuss ABC’s, Cat in the Hat, Fox in Socks’, Hop on Pop, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, Green Eggs and Ham, Curious George, and Dick and Jane, are a list of books I had read to me and I read on my own.

These and many other books were not bedtime stories they were daily reading. The libraries bookmobile arrived once a week, and the mandatory minimum checkout of three books was non-negotiable.

Each book read required a verbal explanation of what I know from reading the book. If I did not provide enough details, I had to re-read the book.

My book reading influenced was my mother’s rules that applied throughout the year regardless of any other activity. Reading was daily and with several other siblings, there were no bedtime stories, only a prayer, and sleep.

The Daily Post Prompt

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