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In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Breakdown.”

Tell us about a habit you’d like to break. Is there any way it can play a positive role in your life?

My afternoon nap was once a daily routine when I was a very young child, and they continued when I began kindergarten, classes. I loved my blue mat that I would curl up for an hour after lunch.

When I began the first grade, the afternoon naps stopped, and as the school years progressed, I had the habit of falling asleep after lunch well into my college years.

When I began my professional career, I had training classes periodically, and I would often fall asleep after lunch. Over the years, I dreamed of breaking the habit of falling asleep in the afternoon.

However, lately I have embraced the retiree afternoon nap, which is mandatory in most retirement communities. I look forward to my afternoon nap and feel cheated when I don’t get it.

And although, I don’t have my blue mat to lay on anymore, my favorite beach chair suffices while holding a fishing pole.

The Daily Post Prompt

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