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“Nothing But A Good Time”


In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Nothin’ But A Good Time.”

Imagine that tomorrow, all of your duties and obligations evaporate for the day. You get the day all to yourself, to do anything you please. What types of fun activities would make your day?

Everyday for me is devoid of obligations and duties other than exercise and sipping a great cup of coffee. In retirement or pensioner, as my UK friends would say, every day is “Nothing But A Good Time.”

For me everyday is a “desire day” fulfilling my dreams as planned for many years in my past career. My desires of this moment are to respond to the daily prompt.

Without stress, concerns and obligations, the desire to do something means so much more knowing you can do it again the next day, everyday, every month until your desires change.

I spend my day blogging as a warmup to write my novels. The daily prompts from various blogging sites, invigorate my creative ideas. Blogging is calisthenics for my creativity to starts my writing day.

I listening to several writing and blogging podcasts, I then bicycle to my local library as a change of venue to write.

My day is not complete without visiting Starbucks for some people watching and a cup of coffee. People watching at the Starbucks produces and develops ideas for the personalities and characters in my novels.

With my 35mm camera always at the ready, I photograph sunrises, & sunset along the beach or at my local park making for a great day. Now, I have to leave as my bicycle has called and it is time to ride to the library for a visit

Remember: Make everyday a calm, peaceful, easy feeling.

The Daily Post Prompt

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