“Forever Young”

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In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Forever Young.”

If there were a real Fountain of Youth, would you drink the water?


The last time I drank from the fountain of youth, I was scolded severely, by my parents and the priest who made me go to confession.

I know there is no fountain of youth and If there was one, I would wait six months to see the results from those who did drink the water.

I do not want to live forever. However, I want to live long enough to wake one morning hearing my great grand-children asking. Is he alive?

Or witness one my children change my Depends. I want to experience the cycle of life since I changed them when they were babies.

Although both adult children have expressed how they will manage their funds to hire a nurse to take care of the depends duties. 🙂

The Daily Prompt

14 responses to ““Forever Young””

  1. lifelessons Avatar

    I just bought two huge boxes of adult diapers at Costco. for a friend of a friend. Really, folks–they were for the friend of a friend! I’m fairly sure a guy behind me in line was getting ready to ask me out when he spied those two HUGE boxes!!! Ah well. Se la vie!!! (Just kidding. He was probaby just going to ask me where I found the Greek Yogurt! Really enjoyed your post. http://judydykstrabrown.com/2015/08/30/happy-things-sunday-stills/

    1. lifelessons Avatar

      ) –for those of you who crave completion.

    2. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Oh my goodness, LOL! 🙂

      I love these WordPress, prompts as they really get me warmed up for writing my novels. 🙂

  2. phdinmeblog Avatar

    Funny, reminds me of my dad! Cool Blog! Light and Love, Shona

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Why thanks Shona! 🙂

    2. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Why thank you Shona! 🙂

  3. sheenmeem Avatar

    One wise person (my late husband’s acquaintance) told him, “If you don’t expect anything from your children you will remain happy”.

    Just forget what you did for your children. I haven’t yet seen any child coming at par with what the parents did for him or her.

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Sheen, these are true words of wisdom. 🙂

      1. sheenmeem Avatar

        Thank you. I know I have seen what happens with my eyes.

  4. Shiva Malekopmath Avatar

    You have put a nice quote of the beautiful Sophia Loren.
    The whole subject is very interesting.
    “Forever Young” & ” Fountain of Youth”.
    Every person feels so, I mean that he is Young, always.
    I for that matter, always tell the number half my age.
    The secret of this is a little spiritual, because its the evergreen soul that is there in every person.
    Every soul is part of the Universal soul, that which has never born and never died.
    I the “Soul” giving lots of love to you the “Soul”.

  5. Nena Avatar

    The quote of Sophia Loren is very true! Enjoyed your post;) Especially liked the part about Depends and the cycle of life LOL

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Why thank you. My kids didn’t like the statement in the beginning about the Depends. However, we now joke about the cycle of life. 🙂

  6. tracihalpin Avatar

    What a beautiful quote😍
    I am scared of my parents aging. I saw my mom fight with her dad bc he wouldn’t change his depends. This may sound harsh, but bc I have mental illness I told my mom I won’t be able to take care of her. She said “You don’t think I know that?” Then she said I will be running to the home before you take care of me! I was so relieved to get that out in the open, and to know we were on the same page. I also am terrified of the thought of my parents dying. I can’t fathom that and I’m 47.

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      The death of a family member is always hard.
      However, death is part of the cycle of life and everyone who passes if given the opportunity would ask for those they have left behind to move forward and enjoy their lives.

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