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“Decisions or Gut Instinct” (A couples Weekend Short Story)


In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Decisions, Decisions.”

How are you more likely to make an important decision — by reasoning through it, or by going with your gut?

All critical decisions require reasonable contemplation, however, “gut instincts” requiring little thought or reasoning, and is some times exciting and adventurous.

Most gut instinct decisions usually end with, “I thought, or I should have.” Parents who raised teenagers can recall with vivid details their teen’s “gut instinct” decisions.

The following is a short story of gut instincts that leads to thoughtful contemplation of the right decision.


A young newly married couple of less than a month, living in the suburbs of Washington, DC. Began they’re thirty miles home in heavy Friday traffic during the 4th, of July weekend.

The song “Crazy” by Aerosmith played loudly and they both sung the song word for word fueled with the visions of the music video.

They’re emotions were at a fever pitch as they sang when the husband decided to drop the top on their convertible. They shared loving moments with glances and winks and the occasional kiss. They are truly in loved with one another.

When the song ended, they decided to continue driving to the beach, for the weekend without stopping for clothing or a toiletries bag. Knowing the beach is a three and half hour trip. The husband pushed five more CD into the six-disc CD player, and they began their southbound along I95 towards Virginia Beach.

After two hours of driving in heavy traffic, the couple’s frustrations started to show. So, they decide to stop in Williamsburg VA sixty miles west of Virgina Beach. However, because of the holiday weekend, there were no vacancies in any hotel, motels, or Bed & Breakfast.

The wife suggested they purchase sleeping bags and sleep in the car. The husband expanded on the idea and suggested staying at a local campground would be more of an adventure.

So with several hundred dollars of camping equipment and freeze-dried food in the trunk of the car. They only needed to find a local campground.

The camping idea quickly became a disappointment when the campground also had no vacancies.

However, they found one campground well off the beaten path and a manager who took pity on the young couple, arranged for the two, to share a tent site with another young couple.

An hour later, upon setting up the tent in the dark without a flashlight.

The two were seated on the ground around a small campfire with the couple they just met. They all felt a sense of companionship as they talked and laughed about their bad decisions.

The couple shares a 16-ounce red plastic cup filled with freeze dried beef stew mixed with beer instead of water. Neither couple remembered to obtain water, cooking utensils or something to the heated water.

They looked into the sky filled with clouds, and it begins to rain. They scramble in the dark towards their tent and into they’re sleeping bags.

They lay facing each other in the dark feeling for each others face promising the next time they want to escape for the weekend. They will plan and confirm reservations ahead, instead of listening to a song by  Aerosmith called crazy.

Goodnight Robert, I love you.

Goodnight Margaret, I love you.

The Daily Post prompt

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