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“Forward Drive”


In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Forward Drive.”

What is the one thing that drives you to wake up in the morning and do whatever it is you do? Is it writing, family, friends, or something else entirely?

Forward March, is the way I feel every morning when my eyes open, I’m breathing, my heart is pumping and I’m still above ground.

It’s between 5 and 6 am and my mind drifts towards thoughts of a leisurely bicycle ride or walk to my local park or beach, where I will photograph the sunrise, landscapes, and wildlife. This is also a time for exercise and meditation.

After the walk or bike ride and about a hundred photos. I return home excited with my thoughts filled with writing ideas. Yes, writing is my motivation along with reading,

However, some mornings, after the forward march thoughts, I think of my blessings and fall back to sleep. 🙂

The Daily Post Prompt

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