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Writing 201 Poetry Day 2: Gift, Acrostic, Simile “Hate”


There’s a whole array of sensations and emotions attached to gifts, whether you’re the gifter or the giftee. The tension between packaging and contents, the joy of tearing through layers of wrapping, the surprise or disappointment of discovery once you know what’s inside.”Hate”

Some interesting ways to use acrostics include writing a poem that asks a question to which the answer is the spelled-out word; or one in which the “hidden” message contradicts or otherwise complicates the content of the poem. I’m sure you can find many more uses for this form.

I created an acrostic using the first letter of every verse — this is called (shocking!) a double acrostic.


Honey colored wrapping paper,

A feeling of thunder in my heart,

Torn paper lay on the floor,

Except it’s a scarf I need, not the ring I want.


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