“The Great Pretender”

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WordPress Daily Posts, “The Great Pretender.”


Are you full of confidence or have you ever suffered from imposter syndrome?

The imposter syndrome describes a feeling of inadequacy, & intellectual fraudulence, yet having the skills and knowledge indicating the opposite is true.

I have experienced the imposter syndrome feeling many times throughout my previous career and currently as a writer, blogger, poet, and photographer.

Although, I was highly trained, skilled with years of knowledge, at times I lacked the confidence. To combat this phenomenon I relied on my knowledge and skills while exhibiting the confidence of a seasoned veteran.

In simple terms, I dazzled the population with skills and confidence, while the imposter syndrome was in full effect.

I received hundreds of accolades, of achievement, acknowledging my skills yet, when receiving the awards, I felt it was simply a part of my duty and nothing unusual.

However, many yeas after retiring, I often look through the many accolades, and I greatly appreciate those who recognized my skills and knowledge during the time I suffered from my imposter syndrome.

As I write this blog post during the month of National Novel Writing Month, I sometimes lack the confidence that I’m a writer.


So, like many times in my past, I rely on what I have trained to do and just write.

15 responses to ““The Great Pretender””

  1. spearfruit Avatar

    You are a writer; continue to write and I will continue to read. Thanks, I hope your day is going well! 🙂

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Spearfruit, thanks. I’m trying and I write at least a thousand words every day to keep the creative ideas flowing. 🙂

  2. Damien Riley Avatar

    Interesting read! There is an old adage that sounds wimpy but I find huge strong truth in it: “Fake it til you make it.” If you stay at something long enough, it’s for you. It sounds like you have a talent as a writer.

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Damien, thanks. There are other analogies I have heard and I like yours, “Fake it til you make it.”

  3. bowmanauthor Avatar

    We are always questioning the validity of that which comes relatively easy and naturally to ourselves. We seem to think, “I’m not a …” (fill in the blank). “Anyone can do that. It’s nothing special.” Au contraire, that which comes naturally is something very special … Only maturity can make us realise what we have become and differentiate it from our innate raw talents that may or may not have flourished or blossomed. Talents need to be fostered and nurtured to come to fruition. Labels are but tags of want-to-be’s or practiced, skilled craftsmen, who hone their talents into skills. We must force ourselves to grasp that which we take for granted and own the title as well as the discipline. Then we are truly using our bountiful gifts that needed maturity as well as confidence. Maturity and acceptance of what and who we are has nothing to do with age, even though I am retirement age as well as you and denied what I had grown to be for many a year/decade/lifetime. I didn’t think I had time for anything but earning a living. Amazing what you can find time for, once you become the seeker.

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Truer words said Bowmanauthor. It is maturity in life and the acceptance that brings about an evolution within. Thank you!

      1. bowmanauthor Avatar

        So well put.

  4. curtisbausse Avatar

    The doubts always recur, the validation never quite enough. I know what you mean. Stick at it!

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Hey thanks Curtis. 🙂

  5. Shiva Malekopmath Avatar

    That is a great post.
    No news from you as yet.
    How are things with you my dear friend.
    Love to YOU.

  6. Stephanae V. McCoy Avatar

    This is a real helpful post. “Not enough” are words that echo round and round in my mind and I didn’t know there was a name for it. Thank you

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Hey Stephanie, thanks. I love your new icon. I will one day play with making one for my site. 🙂

      1. Stephanae V. McCoy Avatar

        You’re welcome and thank you for the compliment on my icon. 😀

  7. Shelley Avatar

    That was me teaching for over 30 years. 🙂 On on with your writing.

  8. […] Source: “The Great Pretender” […]

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