“Longing for Gravity”

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You are on a mission to Mars. Because of the length of the journey, you will never be able to return to Earth. What about our blue planet will you miss the most?


If I were on my way to Mars, it would mean I’ve been drugged, kidnapped, or it’s a visual prank.
But, I wake to discover what has been done, and I will do everything in my power to return to earth because my Virgin Galactic flight was supposed to orbit our planet as part of my bucket list. 🙂

WordPress daily post prompt

7 responses to ““Longing for Gravity””

  1. theitinerary1 Avatar

    I would love to go to mars but i enjoy life

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      I know what you mean, I just want to see the earth from space. 🙂

      1. theitinerary1 Avatar

        Yes so true. But the moon is fine enough for me 🙂

      2. theitinerary1 Avatar

        Check out my blog when you get the chance

        1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

          I’m checking out your Travel blog and noticed that you are in Florida. If you get to travel to the west coast of Florida.

          I’m only an hour and a half drive from Miami. I’m planning to begin my travel blog starting in the US within the next two months.

          As of late, I have had more contact with Travel bloggers inspiring me to travel beyond the borders of the US.

          With so many online travel blogger contacts within the past two weeks’ my plans may change. :-)​

          1. theitinerary1 Avatar

            Haha yes!! I do recommend to go outside the usa. It really makes you feel small. The usa is a great to start but go international. It makes a better story 🙂 i can’t wait to read your stuff and when I’m back in Miami, i will let you know 🙂

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