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Response to the one word prompt “Sentimental.”

Most humans develop a sentimentality with inanimate objects, and I like many people have developed an attachment to my 1991 Ford Explorer.

My car has become a fixture in my life and within a few weeks, my attachment to the longest relationship I have maintained outside of my family and friends will end.

With 236,765.9 miles on the frame I drive avoiding bumps in the roadway and approach curves slowly.

It was more than ten years ago or more when family and friends recommended and suggested I sell my car and purchase something they believe is more suitable for me.

What they didn’t know is my car reflects my personality. The car and I have shared many travels along the back roads and highways of America from western South Dakota to upstate New York, and now the entire state of Florida.

I often imagine selling her to a family member or friend believing I could visit at some point in the future.

However, no one wants a twenty-five-year-old automobile, so I will have a long good-bye with photos at the beach before trading her in at the auto dealership.

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