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Embarrassing moments take place throughout life, and every time I see someone spill a liquid in their lap, I think of the horribly awkward moment when I returned from the men’s room and my son age 12 or 13 at the time pointed to the front of my pants and announcing aloud they were wet.

It was assumed I needed an adult diaper with every attempt to explain what happened as everyone laughed, and since this was during a family reunion with several dozens of my cousins in attendance, I was embarrassed beyond belief.

It was then I began to hatch my plan for revenge. I know what clothes fit my son and what one’s do not. So, I recalled the day we packed our suitcases, and he wanted to take swimwear too large for him to wear. Instead of arguing with him I just buried the pair deep under my clothes and packed a pair I knew would fit him properly in the pool.

A couple of hours later, before he prepared to go swimming, I returned to the room earlier and laid the oversize swimwear on the bed, and like a moth to a flame, he took to the pair immediately.

So with camera in hand, I followed my son to the pool and watched as he dove into the water, and when he surfaced, I took the most incredibly embarrassing photo that will live forever in posterity. I explained to him I would only show the picture at graduations, weddings, and of course when he has children.

Returning an embarrassing moment is always perfect for a parent.

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