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I dare you.

I dare you.

I double dog dare you.

I triple dog dare you.

These are the words and statements used by little boys that caused one of the boys to stick his tongue out and it freezes to a metal pole.

Click the link for an example;

A Christmas Story Triple Dog Dare

Based on the above verbal exchange some great inventions have been established. Take, for instance, Demolition Derbies. I imagine on a dare, with some alcoholic beverages involved, and more than three or more men decided to get in their cars and ram them into one another and

Take, for instance, Demolition Derbies. I imagine on a dare, with some alcoholic beverages involved, and more than three or more men. They decided to ram their cars into one another, and Demolition Derby was invented.

Daring activities like Bungie Jumping, skateboarding down a metal pole, or swallowing goldfish, are based on these dares, with some alcohol involved in some cases.

So, based on these examples, you may have to be a young child, teenager or an adult who consumes some alcohol courage before or after to complete these daring feats. 🙂

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