“Procrastinating Pressure.”

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The significance of procrastinating pressure to complete goals is sometimes a necessary emotion when you find snippets of excuses to forgo what should be done.

With thirty days to write 50,000 words, it may seem daunting at first, but with proper and essential preparation it possible to find success.

Spending each day including Thanksgiving taking bites of the writing challenge, I forged a one-way road towards completion knitting together a storyline, and it’s characters.
I was always distracted by the percussive gremlins who summoned my attention, but my French pressed coffee strengthened my will well past midnight to stay the course.

However, in the end, It was the underdog within me to push through in the clutch overtaking my procrastination to become a National Novel Writing Month winner again.

WordPress daily word prompt

5 responses to ““Procrastinating Pressure.””

  1. Mel & Suan Avatar

    Yes! Little drops of water a mighty ocean makes!

  2. writenlive Avatar

    Congrats on following up on such a difficult goal!

    I discovered the same thing. The more I fell behind on my word count and the more desperate I got, the harder I pushed back 😀

    1. Travel blogger / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      There is nothing like personal diciplining pressure to push you to a goal. 🙂

  3. Teri Avatar


    Sent from my iPhone


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