Site icon Expedition Nomadic Adventures

“Self-publishing courage.”


I want to start the first day of March 2018 with a cheerful hello to all of the followers of this site.
For the next 30-days or so I’m developing a short story novel which I’m continually re-writing to my satisfaction and a submitting to a professional editor for critique. For the past year or more I have been the beneficiary of unique serendipity, that has encouraged me to self-publish. 🙂

You all have read my fictional creative short stories, conjured in my mind sprinkled with my life’s experiences and yes, you all have been beta readers of an aspiring writer. 🙂

Other future changes will include hiking and backpacking videos as I traverse the backcountry trails in various State and National Parks across the US.

But for now, I will meander back into the Florida Keys with Key West being my final destination to surround my self with the aurora of Hemingway with the creative members of The Studios of Key West and my primary influencer, painter Pam Hobbs.

So, be prepared for many more creative short stories, hiking, backpacking videos and photos of the trails as the year progresses.

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