“My First Libster Award”

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This is my first Libster award nomination and I want to thank fellow blogger Living Over the Hill Celebrating the beginning of life, again! She began the blogging journey as I did in 2014, As an acceptance for this award, I have been asked to answer the following eleven questions about myself, “An Aspiring Writer” and the “Retirement Lifestyle” enthusiast.

1. Talk about the process of deciding to blog and actually doing it. What motivated or motivates you?

Answer: During the fall of 2012, I retired to Southwest Florida transforming my lifestyle from a career work-alcoholic to becoming a Florida beach bum. The change was a life altering experience. I spent the next several months indulging in all of my hobbies. It was the fall of 2013, I began reading many novels and I wrote reviews of what I read utilizing the Goodreads.com site. As I read the reviews on the authors websites, I noticed many authors had blogs, and I didn’t know what a blog was.

I began my discovery of blogging focused more on my “Retiree Lifestyle” and my experiences throughout 2014. By September of 2014, I became a serious blogger, as I feel madly in love with writing. I’m motivated by the many blogging buddies I have discovered, especially the writers and poets.

2. Have you ever read a book, recommended by or mention in a blog? If so, what was the book, and how was it?

Answer: I read the three-part series, “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” within a 40-day period on the recommendation from a Goodreads blog after reading Dan Brown’s “Angels & Demons.” I went on to read all of Dan Brown’s novels. Yes, I admit I have become a book nerd.

3. What’s the best thing about blogging and has the experience been what was expected?

Answer: My best experiences of blogging are the discoveries of fellow blogging retirees, writers, and poets. They continue to inspired my perceptions an ideas for my blog and writings.

4. What (or who) inspires you?

Answer: When I began blogging, I followed every retiree, empty nester and poet, with an upbeat and inspiring writing style. Eric Tonningsen, and the Empathyqueen are and still my inspirations for blogging.

5. Write about a memorable blog post, one your wrote that meant a lot , or one someone else wrote that made a big impression.

Answer: My most memorable blog posts include, “In Retirement, activate your dreams & Passions?”. I wrote this post with deep emotions after it dawned on me I was actually retired.

I recently wrote a post titled “Internal Anguish,” after I reflected on the past six months of blogging and realizing I have gone without participating in my outdoor activities such as kayaking, bicycling, and Geocaching.

6. What inspired you to blog?

Answer: I’m inspired by authors who wrote blogs to promote their platform of novels and their up coming novels.

7. Do you schedule a particular time each day to blog?

Answer: I write in the morning immediately upon waking up when thoughts are fresh in my mind. However, many times after 9:00 pm, I find a burst of energy to write.

8. What have you found most rewarding about blogging?

Answer: I find it most rewarding to blog the daily prompts as it provides the inspiration to write my short stories and novels.

9. What advice would you give to any, new blogger.

Answer: I have advised many of my friends to consider blogging as a form of therapy. Wordpress provides a blogging university program complete with downloadable books to assist the new blogger.

10. What is at the top of your bucket list?

Answer: At the top of my bucket list is to become a full-time RV’er and take my blogging on the road, to become a travel blogger.

11. Are you planning to expand your blog to include any other subjects than what you currently blog about?

Answer: I plan to include a section for my short stories, flash fiction, photography and poetry.

Eleven random facts about An Aspiring Writer

  1. I was a scout leader for my son’s Boy Scout Troop.
  2. I have traveled by motorcycle from Key West Florida to Fairbanks Alaska.
  3. I have driven a tractor-trailer across the US.
  4. I’m an Army veteran of the MP Corp, & Military investigation.
  5. I love to hike, ride my bicycle, kayak and geocache.
  6. I preparing to become a full-time RV’er.
  7. I love trains more than planes to travel.
  8. I’m a St. Louis Cardinals Fan for life.
  9. I have attended two US Presidential Inaugurations.
  10. I have lived in Germany for two years.
  11. I’m a former Boy Scout

I nominate the following bloggers who I feel deserves to be recognized for they’er contribution to the Blogging world because they are an inspiration, informative and their contributions makes the blogging world a happier place for all.

  1. Perspective on life work & leisure
  2. Living over the hill: Celebrating the beginning of life again
  3. The Empathy-queen
  4. CERobinson Before Sunset

13 responses to ““My First Libster Award””

  1. annepm2015 Avatar

    Congratulations on your award! That’s very exciting! 🙂

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Hey thanks, I received it several week ago and forgot it was in the draft well of my site. I have been on a reading frenzy as of late. Lol!

  2. C.E.Robinson Avatar

    Marty, congratulations on your first Liebster Award. It’s a lovely award, and you deserve it. Your blog site is an adventure in words and photographs. I loved your answers to the questions. I now know more about you and your plans in retirement. I’m so pleased, and honored to find my name on your nominees list. I’ll graciously accept. I’ve thought about lifting the site’s award free status and create an Awards Page as a few of my blogger friends have done. This is a good time to do it. It may take a little planning, but I’ll definitely do it. Thank you agaIn, Christine

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Hey thanks C.E. Robinson, Although, I wasn’t seeking awards, I still feel I’m too new of a blogger to be recognized. But I appreciate the recognition. LOL!

      1. C.E.Robinson Avatar

        Marty, you are deserving of recognition. It gives you the opportunity to meet new bloggers and to get your writing out there for more people to enjoy. Bask in the sunshine! Christine

        1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

          I’m becoming comfortable with the term, writer. LOL!

  3. AntonioWestley Avatar

    I remember how I felt when I first got that award, I swore I was on top of the world only to find out how insignificant it really was. But hey not to take away from others

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      It is the recognition of others who read and love what they see in someone else’s blog. I’m appreciative and will forever to learn the craft and art of writing.

  4. curtisbausse Avatar

    Congratulations on the award. After much soul-searching, I decided not to go with awards myself, but it’s good to see them go to deserving blogs. And I love reading the Q&As!

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      I received two awards prior to this one and I was surprised and never took them seriously. I also never posted them since I was new to the scene and actually thought it was “Spam”

      Once I took the time to read and understand blogging, I’m feel more appreciative of the nominations. Thanks for responding Curtis.

  5. Faraday's Candle Avatar

    So exciting. You definitely deserve it because you are so supportive of those around you!

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Hey thank you Faraday, for the complement. I try to support all of the many bloggers I follow. You all provide inspiration to write in some form or fashion.

  6. amoafowaa Avatar


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