“The Golden Time of Day”

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In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “The Golden Hour.”

6:00 AM: the best hour of the day, or too close to your 3:00 AM bedtime?


The Golden Hour is essentially any time of day when there is a peacefulness and causing you to reflect on the day before or the day ahead.

Whenever, I worked a midnight shift, it was between the hours of 4:00 am to 6:00 am, on a Sunday morning. I found no matter what time of the year, there was a calm that settled in over the entire area. It was like a resetting of time and for me, this moment in time was my golden time of day.

During the summer months watching the sunrise on a Sunday morning cause me to settle into a relax and stress-free moment. The music of Maze featuring Frankie Beverly’s 1978 hit soulful song Golden Time of Day is quite simply the one of the best way to recharge and start your day or week.

The Daily Post Prompt

2 responses to ““The Golden Time of Day””

  1. isleofsongs Avatar

    I really love this post. Even on my days off of work I enjoy waking early to watch the sunrise. It has been a long time since I lived in the south, but here in far northern Wisconsin I am surprised at how early the sun rises and how late the sun sets in the summer (and subsequently how late/early it sets in the winter). I find these times of day the most relaxing as well.

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Why thank you isle of Songs, I love the morning of peaceful quiet, giving time to reflect and enjoy the beauty of the song birds.

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