The History of Language

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In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “History of Language.”

Write a piece of fiction describing the incident that gave rise to the phrase, “third time’s the charm.”


The history of language and words has influence millions, yet the evolution of words has a lot to be considered.

The use of words and its impact is reflected and remembered throughout time by notable and historical authors as William Shakespeare, Robert Thoreau, Jane Austin and Ernest Hemingway.

The world’s dictionaries are filled with words providing humanity ways to express and define its self and many emotions. However, the majority of the worlds’ population utilizes less that 150 words to express themselves during their lifetime.

If only someone would have updated or expanded the language of primary nursery rhymes like Jack and Jill. It is possible a newer version would read as follows. 

Jack and Jill ascended a mound incline of twelve degrees for .5 miles, to collect a pale of aqua.”

At this time in history, many would believe the evolution of language has evolved. Although many vulgar curse words are used by many cultures around the world to express “shock, surprise, and sensual desires.”

Examples of words and phrases like, “Damn, Darn, Oh Sht, Oh F%k, and Oh my f…ing God, are used consistently to express human emotions ranging from shock, desires, and amazement.

So why are the Webster and Oxford dictionaries are filled with hundreds of thousands of alternative words defining every human emotion, yet a humanity utilizes 50 words or less to express these feelings.

I believe writers, bloggers, and poets inspire humanities ability to expand the use of words. What are your thoughts and beliefs?

The Daily Post Prompt

7 responses to “The History of Language”

  1. shyutgal Avatar

    I like to think the writers (of any genre) keep language alive and vital in the face of society’s increasing insistence on silent communication (texting specifically)..for myself? I try to use ‘archaic’ language now and then to keep THOSE words from disappearing. And for the record “auto-correct” sucks.

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Yes, auto-correct really sucks. I use three different editing programs​ and I still proofread and find mistakes. There is nothing like a set of human eyes and creativity to assure great editing.

  2. Susan Smith Avatar

    At one point in my life, I worked for Oxford University Press in New York. And the Oxford English Dictionary is like a bible to an English major. But what saddened me greatly was when I realized that the OED was incorporating slang words in to the dictionary. Words like “Bling” for example. I get it – they have to stay current – but are they expanding our language or helping us dumb it down? Bravo to those who use “archaic” language!

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      You are so correct.

      I had an English teacher who strived for the students to improve upon the use of the English language.

      Society has reverted backwards with slang and words that do not uplift everyones knowledge or experience of the English language.

  3. Maz Avatar

    Language is always changing. It’s fascinating how easily words can come into being
    See my blog at:

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      You are so right. I will check it out.

  4. K E Garland Avatar

    All language is beautiful. The fact that we can create meaning out of sounds and letters is nothing short of amazing. I love all types of language and embrace archaic, slang, dialects, anything that has to do with words.

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