“Break The Silence”

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In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Break the Silence.”

When was the last time you really wanted (or needed) to say something, but kept quiet? Write a post about what you should’ve said.


As I age, I have learned to keep my opinions, personal thoughts, and most importantly keep my mouth closed to avoid arguments, shocking statements, that are regrettable for a lifetime.

I have two adult children under the age of 30, and it is important to allow their comments, and thoughts on various issues to flow. So listen attentively nodding my head in agreement to assure them of my compassion and concern.

As a parent, this can become difficult as I have a lifetime of experience, of mistakes, and success along with witnessing many parents fail miserably when not listening resulting in horrible results.

When listening to my children, I developed a phrase, “I have a recommend & suggestion.” My key phrase usually captures their attention, allowing me to provide wisdom and opinion, and they listen attentively.

Now, this has not always worked, especially with my daughter. Her quick pace and even faster thoughts are no matches for my recommendation and suggestions phrase.

So, as she talked for fifteen minutes about her upcoming prom, my phrase was not heard. I began taping our conversation using my smartphone.

Suddenly, after several minutes of listening and nodding. I played back what she had been saying.  It took her 5-7 seconds for her to realized the third voice was her recording.

She abruptly stopped and with an angry tone said, I was not listening to her and not taking her comments seriously.  I sat silently, as I pondered my next statement When she began again.

As, I sat nodding my head in agreement as she continued to talk. I thought, of how great a dad, I was for listening with only twice attempting to interject my phrase.

Once she finished, I later sent her a text of the recording. She was angry that I recorded the conversation. However, she was supportive of me for listening.

The Daily Post Prompt

7 responses to ““Break The Silence””

  1. Scott Avatar

    How many times have I removed all doubt with my responses? I’ve lost count.

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Scott we all have been there, 🙂

  2. Adrian B Avatar

    LOL. Thanks for the suggestion .

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      No problem,

  3. JoHanna Massey Avatar

    Oh that art of listening! And of being heard! These are big issues for most of us.

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      I have been guilty of not listening and as the king, I share the expert category with many and wear the crown appropriately. 🙂

  4. […] your adult daughter feel if you tape recorded your conversation with her as a lesson on listening? Break the Silence says a lot about all of our listening […]

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