“Are You Connected?”

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Most dictionary definitions define the word “connected” as the joining of two ends. Its evolution has expanded with different meaning within some cultures, and the uses colloquially, for various purposes will always continue to grow.

In today’s society, the word connected is often used to describe electronic connections while the existence of the human connection is becoming extinct because of most electronic connections.

Two or three hundred years ago before electric and electronic connections, the human connection was personal involving touch, sight, sounds smell and taste.

When the human connection is broken, the phrase, “distance makes the heart grow fonder,” takes on a new meaning. Although, this phrase is a reminder of how relevant human connections are.

Human emotions are inter-connected with memories connected to the human consciousness because of touch, sight, sound, smell, and taste.

However, more than ever, today’s human connection is becoming more significant and relevant than before the invention and evolution of electric, and electronic connections.

If you are reading this blog post, ask yourself.

Have I said hello to someone today, looking them in the eye, shaking their hand with a verbal greeting of the day and engaging them in conversation?

If not, get personally connected, then return to reading & blogging. 🙂

WordPress daily word prompt

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