“Learning Style”

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What’s your learning style? Do you prefer learning in a group or an interactive setting? Or one-on-one? Do you retain information best through lectures or visuals, or simply by reading books?


I was in college when I discovered the issues of a learning style.

I quickly learned I’m a visual and auditory learner with the ability to retain anything read or written to be given back for testing.

Tactile learning has been beneficial for my career, and I found it relatively easy to assimilate and retain the information after repeated use.

Group learning is useful, yet for the past fifteen years or more, I have enjoyed online learning at my pace and preferred it rather than a classroom setting.

My now adult children provided me with the opportunities to experience how different learning styles can be.

One child learns much like myself, and the other utilizes auditory, visual, and interaction with students and teachers to absorb the lessons.

I witness my children discover and develop their learning styles throughout elementary, middle, high school, and college.
Witnessing their desires to learn and grow as they expanded their knowledge to build upon their postgraduate educations has brought me full circle in the discovery of learning styles.

I hope, I live long enough to explore half of what I desire to learn and discover. 🙂



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6 responses to ““Learning Style””

  1. dorne whale Avatar

    Reblogged this on Write Dorne – Putting life into words. and commented:
    I’m reblogging this post because it really got me thinking. I love to learn and I find it fascinating as to how we all learn differently.
    So thanks for getting me thinking.
    As for me…I write stuff down. Once it’s committed to paper, I’m in with a better chance of remembering.
    How about you?
    Dorne x

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Hello Dorne, thanks for the reblog. I have discovered, if I read it, take notes and rewrite my notes. The information is stored forever. Lol! 🙂

  2. vinneve Avatar

    People find it weird when I was studying I am memorizing repeatedly my notes that needed to be memorized then the tv is on so I can still watch and sometimes I still join in the conversation at the same time. Those were the days… it was ok for me.

  3. Michael Hebler Avatar

    Visual/audio learner here. Over the years I’ve taught myself Photoshop, which I did by watching training videos on YouTube, and not reading a manual.

  4. Kally Avatar

    Thank you for following me and I love how creative you are and the wonderful posts. I’ll be back to read more of it!!

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Why thanks Kally and enjoy. 🙂

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