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Response to the one word prompt “Sentimental.”

My 1991 Ford Explorer

Most humans develop a sentimentality with inanimate objects, and I like many people have developed an attachment to my 1991 Ford Explorer.

My car has become a fixture in my life and within a few weeks, my attachment to the longest relationship I have maintained outside of my family and friends will end.

With 236,765.9 miles on the frame I drive avoiding bumps in the roadway and approach curves slowly.

It was more than ten years ago or more when family and friends recommended and suggested I sell my car and purchase something they believe is more suitable for me.

What they didn’t know is my car reflects my personality. The car and I have shared many travels along the back roads and highways of America from western South Dakota to upstate New York, and now the entire state of Florida.

I often imagine selling her to a family member or friend believing I could visit at some point in the future.

However, no one wants a twenty-five-year-old automobile, so I will have a long good-bye with photos at the beach before trading her in at the auto dealership.

WordPress daily one word prompt

3 responses to ““Sentimental””

  1. Shiva Malekopmath Avatar

    I was happy to read this as I also have a Tatamobile Vehicle which is 1992 model and still with me which I would not want to part. I have done more than 2,00,000 kms on that and it has given me the best of my life times. I never want to give it, I am to update it now and I shall be using it for my factory purposes.
    If you are thinking to dispose yours think twice as you may not get the expected price and you can as well use it for short distances.
    I had thought of you number of times and was just thinking as to why your posts news is not reaching me. I would definitely visit you in the times that have gone by. You also have not visited my blog since long time. What’s the matter I think we both have to explore. Because we have had some nice exchange of thoughts in the past.
    Do visit me, there is a lot I have written in the past few months.

    1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Hey, Shiva, I have been writing, editing and reading for the past month or more. I see a similarity in our writings, and I will focus more as the summer progresses here in the US and especially after I settle into my upcoming lifestyle change. I will write more about that in the coming months. ​

  2. vronlacroix Avatar

    Excellent post. I do think that you should keep your car in the back of the garage, then you could look at it, wash it, or take for a ride in a ‘vintage moment’.

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