"My happy place."

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Charadrius vociferus Big Cypress NP

Happy New Year, and with 2019 in the review of my memories are filled with photos and blog posts to recall forever. Currently, I have found my warm and sunny place in the Florida Everglades.

Charadrius vociferus Big Cypress NP

The warm day time temperatures and mild nighttime temperatures are perfect for all of my desired outdoor activities and adventures.
I write this post with winds rustling the palm fronds and leaves of nearby trees breaking the soft silenced small birds chirping surrounded with the beauty of nature in my perfect place.

My travels in 2019 were of learning to fine-tune the type of traveler I have become and will expand on into the future and with more photography, hiking, backpacking, and bicycling.

City of Rocks NM

As my nomadic lifestyle via the overland expedition continues, I will seek wilderness back roads across the US and the world to explore and experience the quiet wilderness serenity of nature’s beauty.

The growing enthusiasm for such travel is increasing with organized Overlanding Expose shows, and Youtube channels dedicated to the nomadic lifestyle, inspiring thousands of people and families to travel and explore.

John Muir National Monument

I will increase the number of posting with photos and possibly videos revealing the adventures that are igniting my creative writing and imagination.

Visually there are so many unique and fascinating National Parks, National Monuments, and Preserves to visit and tour that I have finally slowed to take in all of the beauty my eyes have seen.

Glacier National Park

Oh, yes of course many of you will become beta-readers of my poetry, creative writings and much more so stand by as my future unfolds with a journey paved with unbridled enthusiasm.

7 responses to “"My happy place."”

  1. Teri Soled Avatar
    Teri Soled


    Sent from my iPad Teri Soled


  2. susanneharring Avatar

    Beautiful photographs

    1. Expedition Overland Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      Thank you 😊

  3. ahoard2015 Avatar


  4. Lisa Dorenfest ~ One Ocean At A Time Avatar

    The picture from Glacier National Park really speaks to me. Sheer tranquility!

    1. Expedition Overland Nomadic Adventurer Avatar

      It was so emotional it become my official start for poetry writing.

  5. Lisa Avatar

    Writing poetry is quite a gift!

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